Friday, February 1, 2013

5 Steps to More Energy

I have been blessed with an overflow of energy from the time I was born. My nickname growing up was "Hopper" if that gives you any indication of my energy level. In college I kept adding jobs to my schedule since I just didn't seem to need much sleep. However, taking care of a little girl plus being pregnant and still nursing has taken its toll on me and even I need some much needed pick-me-ups at times until I can get back to normal which will be sometime around June 14th!

1. Drink, drink, and drink some more! Water that is. If drinking tons of water, makes you feel a little sick to your stomach which can happen, try adding slowly each day to your water intake. Not only does it improve your skin and help with appetite control, it also greatly improves your energy. Feeling drowsy? Instead of that afternoon $4.00 Starbucks try a tall iced water instead!

2. Bust out 2 sets of 10 crunches. I know working out is a drag, but anyone can do 2 sets of 10!

3. Do NOT get on the computer, phone or turn on the TV. The screens will make you lethargic.

4. Get a tan! No, I don't mean you have to lie outside in your swimsuit in the middle of Winter. I'm talking about the horrible, hated tanning beds. If you are worried about skin cancer, you can lie on the tanning beds fully clothed. The vitamin D does wonders for your brain. I personally think with as little sun as we get get in NW Washington, going to the tanning salon once every two months like I do for 20 minutes won't be the cause if I get skin cancer. That's my choice though and you are more than free to disagree. You won't be able to deny though, the burst of energy you will get afterwards! About three weeks ago, I tanned for 20 minutes (first time since Summer) walked 1/2 a mile and then drank some H2o. I had energy coming out my pores for the next three days!. WARNING: If you are fair skinned, tanning the full 20 minutes, will give you a burn. So maybe start out with just a 10 minute tan or put your clothes back on for the last half.
Note: Tanning can be expensive, but if you get those Valpacks in the mail, there is usually a free coupon to Dessert Sun. They will try to get you to buy lotion or a package of tans so be prepared to be firm and just stick with the free one. My favorite place though is definitely SOL Tanning in Lynden or Sehome Village.

5. Listen to both these songs for instant energy:

"Stronger" by Kelley Clarkson
"We are Young" by Fun - Don't really understand the verses, but the chorus is just perfect

Not very deep, not very long, but very, very effective steps to more energy. Hang in there! Summer is just around the corner! In fact Summer will be here a week or so earlier this year Lord willing...sometime around June 14. :)


Kyle and Corina said...

Some good points! Can't wait til Summer! ;)

abigail said...

I absolutely LOVED this post!

abigail said...

P.s. "We Are Young" is one of my very favorite songs...and I don't get the verses, either. =D