Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Church

I'll never forget the day I heard these words:

"Why are they coming here? Don't they know this is a home school church? They aren't going to last long (and sadly they didn't)."

I was young. Barely in high school. I had no response to that statement at the moment, but it has never sat well with me. What church do I go too? There have been many labels placed on various churches over the years-mine being no exception. Labels that are put on by both the members and members of different churches, but honestly, mostly by members. Labels that I have heard with my own ears.

What church do I go to?

A home school church. Well, if you home school you are more than welcome, but that is not my church.

A church where women wear only dresses on Sunday. You are more than free to wear a dress, but that is not my church.

A church where our children can sit through the entire sermon without moving or playing in the nursery. Feel free to try, but please don't tell me that is what defines my/our church.

A church where youth group is not allowed and we only sing hymns because all other songs are unholy.  If you attend a youth group yourself I will never judge you for that. Hymns may be our song leaders first choice, but let's allow them the freedom to have that choice. If someone prefers a church band, wonderful. Let's worship our Lord together.

A church where girls are not allowed to work outside the home. There are some who believe that and they are God's children just like you and I. That belief does not define the church I attend.

A church where outsiders can't feel welcome because of the supposed overbearing conservatism. I pray this isn't my church.

A church where we believe no physical contact until marriage and talking to the opposite sex is frowned on. If this were my church, I would have been kicked out long ago.

Do you see the pride in some of these labels that we give our church? Which by the way, it is never our church. It's God's church.

This is the church I want to attend:

A church where Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross alone is what defines us and not our labels.

A church where we are showing deference to one another and outdoing one another in brotherly love and acts of service.

A church that when people look at it and at us, they are drawn to Christ and nothing else.

A church that believes in true worship to our Creator.

A church that above all virtues pus on love which binds us together in perfect unity.

What church do you attend? 


TRH said...

Way to go Kimi! Thanks for the thoughtful post.

Bright Hope said...

Thanks Kimi! This is really good!

Annie said...

I love this, Kimi! Such a good reminder for all of us...God should be our identity, NOT all of these peripheral things that so easily start to define us. Thanks for posting. <3

Kristi said...

Good words my dear blogger sister protege! ;)
Seriously though, good words. I love you.

Kyle and Corina said...

Just caught up with your blog! LOVE this. Thanks for saying what needs to be said!