Early morning and you wake up peacefully. A spark in your heart, a light step, a sleepy smile. Your soul is already praising God for this brand new day-a gift to you and your loved ones. Suddenly you remember the day, the night before. The tears, the doubt, the uncertainty of the future. Just hours before when you could barely muster a smile for your precious daughter. When cooking and cleaning seemed like monumental tasks that you couldn't complete. There was crippling fear that everything you had grown used to and was secure in could be ripped from you within the day. You wonder why is there joy in me right now? Why is my heart so thankful and at peace? Why am I excited for today with no fear of what it may bring? Along with the remembered sorrow of yesterday, you also remember pouring your heart out before God. Tearfully begging Him for mercy and guidance. He reminds of you of His promises and reminds you of His faithfulness. He reminds you that in a situation so hopeless and so confusing He sees the whole picture and has a plan. That He will perfect His perfect will in you. Even though it didn't seem possible, sleep overtook and your precious Lord sent his angels to minister to your soul and you wake up with unmistakable peace from Him.
Maybe you finally get it. Get that this life is never going to fully satisfy your longings. Not circumstances, not friends, not a husband, not children, not a job, not financial security; that the life to come is where your hope lies. Thankfulness washes over you for this God-given perspective as your soul continues to rejoice in Him despite the trials in your life.
Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.
This was sooo good, Kimi. I love those moments when you glimpse God's hand at work in difficult circumstances and know that you're being carried through them with strength not your own. Thanks for sharing! <3
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