Monday, June 11, 2012

Day One, Week One

He's gone. Left 9:30 this morning. Gwen and I stood on the sidewalk and watched as he was about to leave our sight. True to our tradition he pulled a U-turn and headed back up the hill for one last kiss (this was a tradition started while we were engaged; we would always turn around for one last kiss). When he did finally leave our sight I headed back to the house and let myself cry 10 minutes. The 10 minutes are gone and now it's time to pick myself up, straighten the house up, and get on with Summer! The next five months will be strange for the three of us, but I'm excited for them. I have this list of goals that I have been wanting to accomplish for some time now and this is my chance! Here is my list:

Redecorate our bedroom
Visit the seniors in church weekly
Lose the baby weight!
Take a kickboxing class
Re-memorize the book of James
Start up an account at Labels so I never have to pay another $ for clothes
Learn to bake my Mom's cinnamon rolls as well as she does
Dive deep into God's Word every day rather than just checking a box saying I read my Bible
Write at least two blog posts per week so I never forget this season of life we are in

Even with my husband gone, it looks like Gwen and I are going to have a busy, fantastic Summer! I refuse to feel sorry for myself when God has blessed us so much and has given us exactly what we asked for. I praise Him for his goodness to me and my little family.


Kelsey said...

I'll hold you to your goal of 2 blog posts per week ... ;)

Skype me anytime! Love you. Proud of you too.

Emily said...
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Emily said...

Go Kimi! Those are some great goals you have there. But, you must explain...where did Luke go?
Keep your chin up girl!

Kimi said...

Emily, Luke is in police academy for the next five months! Will be home most weekends though.

Kelsey, yes, hold me to it!

Annie said...

If you need company or a free babysitter on a weekend that Luke isn't home, call me up!! I would love to come cuddle Gwen-girl! <3

abigail said...

Way to go, Kimi! I hope you and Gwen have a WONDERFUL summer together and the weekends with Luke are extra special. I am so excited that God provided this awesome opportunity for your family. Remember, I'm only 15 minutes away if you ever need anything, and I'm definitely ready for girl parties. :)

Oh, and those are great goals!!

Corina said...

Way to be strong Kimi! And I love your goals. I'll be checking your blog weekly ;)

Only One Life said...

Way to go girl, I look forward to reading your posts! I need to get your mom's cinnamon roll recipe!