Friday, May 16, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Mother's Day 2014 I sat next to my husband enraptured by the morning's sermon. A sermon on the great responsibility we have to our children. My heart was happy and my soul was at peace. There was calmness in me. For the first time I was eager to hear a sermon like this. In the past I dreaded them. In the past it was all on me. I was alone with this burden of raising my kids to fear the Lord. I had a teammate in my husband, but not a soul mate. We didn't agree about God. He wasn't sure he believed in God. Sometimes I would leave church crying. Other times I would square my shoulders and tell myself I could handle it alone. Just me and God. Sometimes I would look over the audience hoping a wise older man would come smack some holiness into my husband. I was brave on the outside, but terrified on the inside. Could I do it by myself?

Mother's Day 2014 I have a soulmate. I have a teammate who believes, who has faith. Oh how life changes when you've got your husband working for you, with you, for your kids. That evening I told him thank-you. Thank-you for making me the happiest girl in the world. Thank-you for caring enough about me and our girls to seek advice, wisdom, and counsel. Thank-you for not just going through the motions, but seeking with all your heart and then finding. I told him that we are now unstoppable, unbreakable. We can change the world if we want because Christ is now in both of us.

Never take the gift of having a believing partner for granted. I know I never will.


Annie said...

Wow, Kimi...this is such a powerful testimony. You guys ARE unstoppable and unbreakable, thanks in full to the power of the Holy Spirit! So amazing...I rejoice in the new life He has given to BOTH of you, in His perfect timing. Love you guys!

Abigail said...

I know I'm way behind on your blog...but I'm commenting anyway. I LOVE this! Praise the Lord!!! I am rejoicing with you and this is such a good reminder to be thankful that my husband is saved. Not something to take for granted, but I do. Thank you!