9-months today since Luke and I said our vows and promised to love each other forever. I can hardly believe the we are fast approaching a year! Since I have been married for such an extensive amount of time and have gained lavish amounts of wisdom from my experiences as a married women, I thought it was time impart some of my wisdom to you.
I know you probably are under the impression that Luke and I NEVER argue. And you are very right to assume that since he and I are just full of perfection and wonderfulness (please tell me you know I'm just kidding). However, there are times, few and far between of course, that arguments have arisen and feelings have been hurt.
I remember clear as crystal the first time we argued. I was mad at Luke for something I can no longer recall; I just know we were arguing. I was sure this argument was one that would last for days and in my despairing mind I wondered if it would last for weeks, or if we would ever resolve the issue. Luke however, is quite amazing at diffusing arguments. I did not know he had this talent until this first argument (duh). Our conversation went something like this:
...after arguing back and forth...Luke said in a very serious and grave tone:
"Kimberly, I know what the problem is. I know what's wrong with you".
I was expecting him to say something along the lines of: "You haven't had your devotions this morning", or :We haven't prayed about this yet" or "You have an anger problem".
Instead very, very seriously he states:
"You think I'm fat don't you".
For the first time that day I was speechless. All I could do was stare at him opened-mouthed and shocked. Then the giggles hit me and they hit me hard! I couldn't stop laughing and needless to say the argument was over just like that.
To this day whenever we start arguing, at some point in the argument, Luke drops the line someway or another. He has variations of course and without fail I will start laughing and our argument turns into a chilled-out discussion instead. In fact, during the start of our most recent argument I pictured him saying he was fat before he said it and I burst out laughing (that argument never even got started!)
Thank-you Lord for a husband who comes up with most unique ways of keeping us living together in harmony always!
How comical and sweet:) Thanks for sharing Kimi.
That's so funny! ... and good!
Thanks for sharing Kimi :) Keep it coming!
Hee! Hee! Luke's great! Thanks for sharing! ~ Britty Mac
How cute!! I love that kind of humor.
Haha! I can totally picture Luke saying that. =)
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