Our Rehearsal
Our Rehearsal Dinner
Our Wedding
Our Honeymoon
Our First Year Firsts
There will be many, many pictures soon; consider yourself warned!
Now excuse me while I go find that husband of mine and give him one big hug and lots of kisses!
It's nearly been three years since our first date. Call me nostalgic, but I want to write it all down before I forget any part of it.
Excitedly I sat by the window. Waiting. Watching. I remember being thankful that there was a mirror in our china cabinet that stood next to the doorway. I would alternate looking out the window and glancing in the mirror just to make sure nothing was out of place. I gave my outfit that Kati had helped me pick out one last glance hoping it was suitable. My entire family was gathering in the living room so I did my best to act as nonchalant as possible. I heard Josiah whisper to Dad:
"You're letting her go out on a date? Since when do you do that?"
I had wondered the very same thing and to this day I have no idea why my Dad agreed to let me go. I do know it took some help from Kristi who was the one who actually knew Luke and his family. But still, it was so out of the ordinary to be allowed out on a date under the circumstance that none of us really knew this mysterious man. I was hit with the fact that my parents were showing a lot of faith and trust in me and there was no way I would disappoint them.
My heart did a tiny flip-flop as I saw headlights start down our driveway. I wasn't nervous. I honestly wasn't. I was purely excited. I was going on date with a person I had, had a crush on when I was fifteen. A person who thankfully didn't even remember me sitting next to him at DQ (I was very odd looking at age 15). This may sound shallow, but since I had no idea if this would be my first and only date with this man I was determined to savor and enjoy every single second of it no matter what the future held. I threw my Dad a pleading look and asked him if I could run outside to meet him rather than have him face all 9 of us at once. My Dad graciously agreed and out the door I flew. (Note: On our 2nd date Luke very politely requested that I do not meet him halfway. He said it was proper for a man to always speak with the father before taking the girl out.)
…what it's like to fall asleep with my husband. I mean really fall asleep with him. To crawl into bed, turn off the lamp and snuggle till sleep overtakes us both. How long would we talk? Would one of us read a book in bed? Would he fall asleep first or would I? Would one of us hog the blankets? Get tangled in the sheets? Would he wake up to my sleep talking? Would I wake up to his snoring? What's it like to wake up in the morning with each other? Would we help wake each other up? Would we lie in bed and just enjoy the quietness before a busy day? See who could get to the shower first? Have a pillow fight while making the bed? Would he help me pick out my outfit for the day? Eat breakfast together? Read the morning newspaper? Do all these things while flirting, laughing, enjoying each other's company?
We've been married 10 months and due to our opposite schedules I've only fallen asleep with my husband on our honeymoon. On his nights off, he'll tuck me in and play with my hair until I fall asleep, which is as close as we get to actually falling asleep together. I remember after only being married a few days and in Mexico waking up to Luke laughing in his sleep. I thought it was the cutest thing ever and I just lay there propped up on one elbow waiting to see what he would do next. I loved the sound of his snoring. It reminded me that he was right there and that I was safe. Someday, someday I'll find out what's it's like to fall asleep with him.
To complain about this situation though would be ungrateful. God has given us both jobs and my husband get's three days off each week. Also I have conquered my fear of being left alone. All through my growing up years I was never once left completely alone at home. At first I was terrified when Luke would leave; I would even stand at the door and beg him not to go (seriously). I would lie wide awake and keep a gun near me just in case. I would say to myself over and over "Nothing will happen to me that God does not allow". Slowly but surely with Luke's help and God's promises my fear of being alone is almost obsolete. I even lie in bed with curtains pulled back so I can watch the bats come out at dusk. When coyotes came howling through the neighborhood one night I eagerly jumped out of bed to get a look. The gun is kept is a safe place now rather than on my nightstand and I peacefully drift off to sleep knowing that Luke will call me in a few hours while on his break.
How unique is it that God made our situation such so as to help me with my greatest fear. He truly does care about every aspect of our lives. Being able to see God's hand in situations that are not ideal to me is another blessing. How I can complain when God is so very good to us?