Saturday, February 28, 2009

Alone Time

I have always wondered what will happen to going on dates once I am engaged. Will I still go on them? Will they be as fun as they were when I was simply a girlfriend to my boyfriend? Would we still try new and crazy things together? Or would the busyness of planning a wedding, finding an apartment, working out a budget, and preparing for the rest of our lives together take over everything we use to do together and the fun we have always had? (Not that those thing aren't fun!)

How thankful and happy I am that, that is not how it is! Yes we are twice as busy now than before, but that is not stopping us from having the time of our lives! Last night for example is a perfect example. We tried out two brand new activities and had a blast. It was nothing extravagant or wild, but so, so much fun. It's wonderful to not allow yourself to get to caught up in the planning or excitement of a wedding that you forget to cherish every minute of each other right now. How easy it would be to just plan and plan and forget us.

I believe with all my heart that it is so important to take time each week to completely forget about the wedding and all that needs to be done and simply enjoy each other.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Buying My Dress

Ever since I went with my older sister Kati to pick out her wedding dress I have been dreaming of the day when it would be my turn. Everything about picking out a wedding dress is wonderful. The atmosphere, the lovely consultants, the sparkles, and of course the hundreds of beautiful, gorgeous gowns.

Originally I was planning on finding my dress with my sisters Kati and Kristi, but I became to excited and went a week early with my Mom, Kelsey, Kaylie, and Greta (my almost Mother-in-Law!).

All I can say is when you go to a large wedding boutique like David's Bridal, have a plan in mind! Know what style of dress you are looking for. Otherwise you will get lost and dizzy! I had brought along a few pictures of my favorite dresses and thankfully we were able to find them. My consultant was very friendly and not pushy in the least bit. She went out of her way to find dresses she thought I would like and she stayed right within the price range I gave her. She was even honest enough to tell me that I could find cheaper tiaras elsewhere.

The first dress I tried on looked like something a Roman or Greek Queen would wear. I loved it, but in all honesty my conscience wouldn't let me buy it. However, the second dress that was slipped over my head felt wonderful. It made me feel like a princess. My consultant added a veil and tiara and I couldn't help twirling around just a bit. My consultant told me to picture myself walking down the aisle, to my almost husband. I believe I got a little lost in that dream for a few minutes before I realized that I was still in a store and my wedding was still over seven months away.

So the second dress I tried on was the one I ended up buying. Sadly I couldn't afford the veil as well, but while I was paying for the dress Greta came up and whispered.

"If you want the veil I'll buy it for you."

So now I have a fiance, a dress and a veil (thank to Greta!). What else do I need for a wedding?

Oh right, shoes. Payless here I come!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Proposal - Part 4

I wished so badly that, that ride in the taxi could last forever. At that moment it didn't matter where we were going or what was going to happen. I was safe, warm, and content. Luke was holding me and I was so happy. As I was settling in for a long ride, the driver suddenly pulled up to the curb and stopped.

We were there already.

I peered out the window of the passengers seat and screamed in delight! We were at Giuseppe's Italian Restaurant. The place where Luke. exactly one year ago, had asked me to be his girlfriend. The place that I had thought for sure had closed down during the summer. The place that Luke had allowed me to go ahead and think that so he could surprise me tonight. I jumped out of the cab and twirled in front of the restaurant. In my mind I had decided that Luke somehow had gotten them to re-open the place up just for me, just for tonight.

The rest of the evening felt like a dream. The hostess led us to our table which actually was our own private room, sectioned off with tapestries and filled with candles and roses. The speakers were playing mine and Luke's favorite songs and it was all so perfect. Immediately I reached for my camera and started running all over the place taking pictures of every little detail. After the fifth picture Luke took my camera away and said there was plenty of time for that later. He led me to my chair and at once I started thanking him for such a wonderful anniversary surprise. We sat there for awhile just talking and smiling when Luke pulled out a piece of paper and asked me to read it to him. The paper was an e-mail I had written to him while away for school. I had written this to encourage him during a hard time that he was going through. I had no idea it had meant so much. By the time I had finished reading we were both almost crying.

Luke then crouched down next to me and said it was his turn to read me something. It was somewhat like a journal. He read different excerpts from different days of how he was falling in love with me and finished with something he had written the night before. By that time I was borderline sobbing.

Through my tears I could see that Luke had shifted to one knee and was holding a tiny, black, velvet box.

"Kimberly, will you marry me."

I could barely say the word yes through all my tears. I said it again and again just to make sure he heard me. We were both laughing by then and still crying. Through all of my tears I wasn't able to see what the ring looked like. No matter how many times I wiped them away they just kept coming back. It was about 20 minutes before I actually got a good look at the ring Luke had placed on my finger. I was startled by how lovely and perfect it was. The diamonds were sparkling in the candlelight and my entire world was glowing.

We were engaged and getting married for real!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Proposal - Part 3

I remember trying so hard to hide what I was thinking from Luke. I was turned away from him facing the diner so he couldn't see my shocked expression.

"Of all places in Bellingham he chose this one? The one place I told him I never wanted to go too?"

"It looks...cute."

I offered with a brave smile, looking up at him.

"And I'm sure the food is really good. Maybe they have a nice booth in the corner somewhere."

Just then the sign in the window caught my eye "CLOSED ON MONDAYS". Luke looked shocked and embarrassed when he saw the sign. He insisted that the Internet said it was open every day of the week. He started apologizing and asking me where we should go instead.

"Uh, how about Boundary Bay?"

I had never been there, but that was the first sign that caught my eye. Luke glanced around frantically trying to figure out what to do and I started feeling sorry for him. He asked if he could use my cell to phone a few places.

"Luke, we can go anywhere, I really don't mind at all! How about Costco? I've been craving a frozen yogurt all day."

Just then a big smile spread across his face.

"No need lady. Turn around, our ride is here".

I turned and saw a yellow, Bellingham taxi cab pulling up next to us. I just stared at it not knowing what I should do or if it was even for us. Next thing I knew Luke was opening the door and pulling me towards it. I was feeling very bewildered and confused, but also completely comfortable because I knew Luke had everything worked out just like he always does.

Luke looked at the Cabi drive and said:

"Please don't mention the location, she doesn't know here we're going."

Monday, February 2, 2009

Proposal - Part 2

January 12, 2009

The day was cold, but not windy. I remember very well that it wasn't windy because I was getting my hair done for Luke and wind has a tendency to ruin something like that.

The week before Luke had asked me if we could do something nice for our one-year anniversary. The fact that he wanted it be nice was not surprising at all. We both love going out on nice dates and getting dressed up for each other. There is something so special about taking extra time just to look perfect for the other person. (I'll write more about that fact in a later posting) This particular date however, Luke not only asked me to get my hair done, but to also get a manicure and to take off of work early just to make sure I had plenty of time for myself. Again, this didn't really surprise. At first I was annoyed for having to miss the last few hours of work which meant losing money, but who can really object to getting pampered for an afternoon? All throughout that day Luke would call me with different ideas of restaurants we could try out. This ranged from The Big Fat Fish Company to Hearthfire to Skylarks. That was probably the most surprising to me: The fact that he didn't have a plan of where to go...

I should mention that my co-worker, Katie Lee, was insistent that Luke was proposing that night. I tried to tell her that it wasn't going to happen for at least two more months, but that would not sway her. So when I left work early that day, I left promising to text her immediately if anything happened.

6:00 finally rolled around and Luke picked me up from my house as promised dressed up and ready for the night. I always feel underdressed when Luke is wearing a suit. No matter how nice my dress is, it just never compares to a handsome man wearing a coat and tie. On the way into Bellingham, Luke was still trying to decide what restaurant sounded the best. Finally he parked the car on a side street and we walked up the hill toward State Street. Again, I was very grateful there was no wind!

Luke suddenly stopped in front of a little restaurant. It was the little restaurant I told him I never, ever wanted to go to. Something about it made me uncomfortable. However, Luke insisted that he read two good reviews on the place and thought that we should try it out. I just stared and him and then back at the restaurant. I was thinking:

"We're dressed up for this?!"